Wednesday, 23 December 2015

Looking for a new water aid station solution?

The patented WaterMonster is a large 125 gallon water tank that offers 8 various outlets to become the ultimate outdoor water station.   The WaterMonster comes equipped with 6 spigots, a 1” ball valve and a ¼ turn hose bib.  This attachment allows you to fill from a common water spigot in about 12 minutes.  There are many other powerful accessories.  Our Water Flag kit makes the tank visible in large crowds.  The optional colored insulator wraps keep the water cold and allow you to change tank colors and add your own custom logo.  Our carbon water filter kits ensure clean drinking water.  You can even mix electrolytes.  This eliminates the hassle of lugging around 5 gallon coolers, only to refill them over and over.  Our water bottle refill station help sustainability goals when event directors encourage people to bring their own refillable containers.  And if you want to tap into sponsors, the WaterMonster becomes the ultimate outdoor water station that can also acts as a revenue generating advertising bill board. For more information please visit Outdoor Water Tank.

Using our water bottle refill station is easy and sustainable.  Race directors love the logistical simplicity; volunteers love the reduction in labor and trash, participant’s love not running out of water!  The WaterMonster has serviced some of the largest races and outdoor events all across the US and Canada.  Once a customer tries the WaterMonster, they simply don’t go back to the old school ways of heavy lifting and picking up trash bottles.  When your event is over, the WaterMonster tank and plastic stand stack like giant cups.  No other water bottle refill station offer this feature. 

This greatly reduces the storage footprint space.  Cleaning is a snap, simply use a common garden hose to blow out the dust and your ready to hydrate.  Our new 2” truck receiver rack system allows you to transport as many as 5 units!  As the word travels, the WaterMonster is becoming the new outdoor water station standard.  Some of our new markets include summer camps, high schools, colleges and universities, first response disasters, music festivals, beer festivals, rowing regattas, city municipalities and race directors. For more information please visit Outdoor Water Bottle Filling Station

 Basically any outdoor event with lots of people is a perfect match for the WaterMonster.  Stop contributing plastic trash bottles to the landfill.  Be part of the solution by reusing your water bottles.  The WaterMonster fits perfectly into the sustainability solution people are demanding.  Look no further for your next outdoor water station.  For more information please visit Drinking Water Distribution System

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